Missoula, MT 4/21/17 NP Part 2
Missoula, MT 4/21/17 NP Part 2
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$715.00 3-DAYS
$895.00 4-DAYS
Subtle Dissociation • Developmental Trauma • Attachment Dynamics •
This follow-up 3-day (with optional Day 4) course expands the training from Part One. We continue to explore tracking, dilemmas, and working with dissociation. The somatic view of developmental trauma and attachment dynamics opens up the work of meeting developmental needs on non-verbal levels.
We begin with questions from participants work with their clients since Part I. There are 2 practicums daily, along with some short skill building and experiential segments. The focus is on developing sensitivity to tracking all the dynamics from Part I, plus new ones.
Live demonstrations and video sessions will be studied to highlight the nature of process, the power of sustained somatic awareness, and the value of full engagement while “not knowing.”
Further focus on tracking resiliency provides participants with a greater sense of presence and engagement with their clients. This is fundamental for truly “trusting the process.”
This work builds skills for the full engagement called for in working with developmental trauma and attachment dynamics. We will identify the moment-by-moment dynamics of separation from self, and the emergence of self. Close tracking of mobilization/immobilization through the body and nervous system aids the therapist’s interventions in co-creating non-verbal experiences of titrated contact, and development of resiliency.
3 days (Optional 4th day)
April 21-23, 2017
Optional day 4 April 24, 2017: Demonstrations and Practicums
$715.00 3-DAYS
$895.00 4-DAYS